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PhycoPure™ Reef Blend is the most diverse assemblage of Phyto on the market today. It has 9 different types and even contains zooxanthellae. It is an excellent general feed for your reef. 

Phyto is not just phyto! All algae are not the same, and it matters what you use. Microalgae or phytoplankton are a general description for a diverse group of organisms. Saying "Phyto is phyto" is similar to saying "food is food." Clearly, popcorn is different from steak, which differs from broccoli. The same applies to phytoplankton and microalgae.

Marine organisms feed by smell, particle size, and in other cases they just mass filter the water for whatever is available. We have observed this and have witnessed coral rejecting certain types of microalgae/phytoplankton. So NO! Not all phytoplankton/microalgae are appropriate for feeding. There are specific combinations of phytoplankton/microalgae that should be used to grow certain marine animals. PhycoPure™ ReefBlend is a solid, general approach to feeding a reef system. 

Did you know that LIVE phytoplankton/microalgae can be used to condition water. Live phytoplankton/microalgae will bind heavy metals, take up excess nutrients as well as CO2. PhycoPure Reef Blend™ is an excellent food for amphipods, copepods, clams, scallops, shrimp larvae, sponges, and certain corals.


The Reef Blend™ is an excellent food for amphipods, copepods, clams, scallops, shrimp larvae, sponges, and certain corals.

Refrigerate, shelf life 4 months.

PhycoPure Reef Blend

PriceFrom $15.00
Excluding Sales Tax
Expected in store one week from order date, Refund if can not be sourced.
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